Ongoing ongoings.

*Stretches.* It's interesting how completely an activity which is only debatably 'work' can take over one's life. According to my daily work log (It's useful knowing what I did, and it's morale boosting to be able to put in big events), since the last time I wrote one of these I have: Completed the second… Continue reading Ongoing ongoings.

Boring update about London riots.

For those wondering, I am fine, everything else is fine, it is, however, remarkably distracting and I am incapable of getting anything useful done.

Categorized as Personal

Things Found: Short Stories

'Filling Up The Void' - Richard E. Gropp - Interesting short story, primarily notable for presenting a furry protagonist and raaather adult themes in what is, ultimately, a fairly mainstream SF venue. Ending is rather telegraphed, and if you read a lot of sci fi you're not going to meet much new, but the execution's… Continue reading Things Found: Short Stories

Categorized as Personal